We chose The Portland Loo for Reno because it’s sturdy and safe, incorporates several features to discourage undesirable use, and has significantly lower installation and...
Read more...Whether you’re a runner, tourist, or just out and about seeing the sites in Portland, you may be wondering where the public restrooms are. One of your obvious options is to find a Portland Loo, as there are at least 10 of these free and accessible public bathrooms developed by the City of Portland around town. It’s easy to recognize the rounded steel doors and grates surrounding the top and bottom of the Portland Loo… and because the Loo has a small overall footprint, you’ll often find it located right on the street on sidewalks or other tight spots downtown. And Loos aren’t your only option, there are several other public restrooms in city buildings or parks as well. Here’s some tricks to finding their locations, in case they’re not within sight, or you like to plan your outing in advance.
Portland Loo Map
We have a map on our website that makes it easy to locate Loos in Portland and elsewhere around the world! You can also find a partial listing on the Portland Parks and Recreation site as well.
Portland Public Buildings
Most of the public buildings and spaces have restrooms available during open hours, including Portland Pioneer Courthouse Square, Portland City Hall, Union Station, and the Portland Building. There are also several Smart parking garages that have restrooms open to the public as well. Info here
Portland State University
The Student Union and several other of the University’s buildings have restrooms that are available to the public during open hours. They have a complete listing of their gender-neutral options on their website as well. Info here
Portland Parks
While they’re not always open 24 hours a day, there are many. Downtown you can find an accessible bathroom at Waterfront Park, Ira Keller Fountain, South Waterfront Gardens, Fields Park, and several others. The city’s listing of parks lists the amenities that each park has available to the public. Info here
PHLUSH is an organization that was founded in Portland and works to help local governments and citizen groups to provide equitable public restroom availability. They worked with Portland businesses, largely in Old Town, to let visitors know where they can find a public bathroom with a blue sign that is posted clearly in building windows. Info here
Sit or Squat App
Charmin Toilet Paper sponsored a new app that you can download to your smart phone, that uses a GPS locator to shows clean public restrooms that are near you, wherever you are! It’s free to download from the App Store, Google Play or Charmin website. Info here
The Portland Loo has helped to keep the Portland safe and crime-free for over 10 years! It’s an easy ready-to-go solution for any city or organization that needs to provide clean and accessible public restrooms – contact us for more details and pricing!